Tuesday 7 October 2008

(1) Discuss at least three of the artists you have looked at comparing general similarities and differences between them.

The three films that I chose to talk about where Gisele Kerozene by Jan Kounen, telling lies by Simon Ellis and 1001 night by Jananne Al-Ani. The differences between the three films are the pace is very different in all three, in Gisele Kerozene the pace is quite fast this is similar to Telling lies because the pace is fast in this film, but in 1001 nights the pace is very slow because there is no action in it. The types of images that are used are different in all three because in Gisele Kerozene it is all action, where as in telling lies the only imagers that are used are words on a black background so there is no action in it at all, this is sort of similar to 1001 nights because it’s a black background and only has five women on the scene.
The fact that all the films where made in different decades could effect the type of audience that the film effects because 1001 nights was filmed in 2006 the audience that might not understand it are people that haven’t been around in 2000/ end of the 1990’s because they wont know about all the different wars that went on around the world, the other people that might not understand it are people from other countries because they don’t know what goes on in the little countries around the world. The people that might find it difficult to understand telling lies are people from the 1970’s because the speed is quite fast. The people the might find it hard to understand Gisele Kerozene are people from the earlier 1960’s because it is a fast pace and they use a lot of different types of animation.


CSC MEDIA said...

Good start Steph. Try not to get caught discussing one film. Try and make you points revolve around the subject i.e Pace and use the examples to explain this. Then move onto another subject i.e soundtrack. Your writing is clear and you express what you want to say well you just need to group your arguments more. Keep going!

CSC MEDIA said...

Be careful with what you are saying here "better at making films as time goes on because the equipment gets better." It is not just technology that makes a film better. Also the term "better" is a judgement that can only be made by people individually. The fact that the films are made decades apart will have more relevance to the craft and subject but not necessarily if they are good or not?