Monday 20 October 2008

Film content review sheet

Name of creator or films artist: Steph Byrne

Duration: 2-3 minutes.

Briefly give an overview of the types visual images used in this chosen piece. (B&W, colour, locations, actors etc.)

In my film the locations with be in a park, walking down a street, I will also have a few of people talking about the subject and their views, the people will be blurred out.

Briefly give an overview of the types audio used in the video. (Is the Audio Diegetic or Non Diegetic.

The sound will be both Diegetic and non Diegetic because at one part I will have loads of different sounds over the top and then I will also have the Diegetic sound of the people talking.

The premise of my film is?

The premise of my film is to show people how drinking can effect you and what its like to be drunk.

What thoughts i hope the audience have once they have viewed my film?

I want my viewers to leave think that if you drink and get drunk then you miss so much happening and you never know what you do.

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