Tuesday 7 October 2008

1.2 The use of technology and techniques and styles

The technology and techniques that are used are somewhat the same even thought they are filmed with decades apart. For example all of the films are heavy post produced, but in Gisele Kerozene uses stop frame animation, so the film is a craft based film, because the director is trying to bring new ways of filming. The sound that is used is non-diegetic because it is added on after, but it is only the sound of the witches. Telling lies soundtrack could be argued that it is diegetic and non-diegetic because although we can’t see the people talking they could have recorded the conversation as it was happening. It is more of a concept base film because there isn’t any new ways to film. This is similar to 1001 nights because it is a concept style because the camera stays in one place and doesn't have any new ways to show skills. The sound is diegetic because we can see the people on the scene and they are talking about the stories. Girl chewing gym is concept based film because the camera stays in the same place for a while and only moves up and down or left to right. The only sound that can be heard is a alarm of some sort. The audience think it is a narrator over the film but but he isn't narration it he is just telling the audience what he thinks is going on.

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