Tuesday 14 October 2008

1.6. Audience, and audience interpretation of the work

In our class everyone had their own ideas about all the films and not everyone had the same idea because everybody is different and they don’t like the same thing.

For 1001 nights most people thought it was plan and boring because it was just 5 women on the scene and no action, I also found it hard to tell what was going on because they were telling stories but in all the stories the women died but here were women telling stories about what happened so I didn’t know if it was them telling stories of someone else’s trouble with war. Someone else in class thought it might be a dream. I thought the main aim of the film was to try and tell people that war effects everyone even innocent people who aren’t in the war.

In Telling lies I think everyone in the class thought it was funny because the voices were saying one thing but the writing was saying another thing. It was like the writing was telling the audience what the people were really thinking. I thought it was hard to read because sometimes it would go so quickly. I also thought it want that people will always tell a lie to protect people.

The last film is Gisele Kerozene everyone thought that this film was really funny because of the stop motion it made it funnier. Everyone kind of agreed with this film because it had a easy storyline to follow. The way the character where done made it funny as well because the witches were funny looking. It was about three witches trying to get back something that was stolen from them.

The reason that the class all had different feelings towards the films are because every person likes different types of films, also because people bring their live into films that they view. It isn't a bad thing that everyone has different reviews because then it makes other people think about what else it could mean. No matter how someone watches a film they will relate to the film even if they like it or don't like it because there is always a reason you don't like it for some sort of reason. It doesn't matter if the artist has a different message to what the audience receives because even if it isn't the same idea it brings out loads of different ideas because everyone has a different imagination.

1 comment:

CSC MEDIA said...

What is the relationship between the audience and the work? Why does it matter if the artist has a different message to one the audience receives?