Friday 10 October 2008

1.3Narrative and non-narrative structures Discuss the story line is it simple structure Begin, middle, end or is there a more complex or different str

All three films although really different all have some sort of narrative and some times the narrative is easier to telling and others aren’t.

In 1001 nights it seems like it doesn’t have a story line but if you think about it because all five women tell a story their story has a beginning middle and an end, and it starts at one end and ends at the other.

In Gisele Kerozene it has a basic structure in it with a beginning middle and an end. It starts off with three witches bowing down to a stature and then it gets taking and the middle is them chasing the witch that stole it and the end is the witch that stole it is about to kill the other witch but decides to give it back.

In Telling lies the narrative is basic with a beginning, middle and an end. It is an animated film with just words on the screen but at the beginning it starts with a guy getting a phone call. The middle is him on the phone to other people and the end is him slamming down the phone.

I think that if a story doesn’t have a narrative then the audience might find it hard to understand because they wouldn’t know what was happening with the film because everything would be everywhere and wouldn’t make sense.

The audience might not understand a non-traditional narrative because with a traditional narrative they have a beginning, middle and an end. Where a non-traditional narrative doesn't have a beginning, middle or an end because they try to confuse the audience because the story is every where and some people might not want to pay attention because there isn't a traditional narrative.

1 comment:

CSC MEDIA said...

Good, but I need you to tell me why the audience might not understand from a non-traditional narrative. Does it matter if we don't understand all of the works?