Monday 20 October 2008



DURATION: 2-3 minutes

FORMAT: Digital Video

AUDIO: The audio will be used is Diegetic and Non Diegetic. The Diegetic will be used for people talking and the Non Diegetic.


The outline of the audience will be people of all ages because kids at the age at 14 or earlier are drinking and older people also drink.


The outline of the story is to show people what they see while they are drunk and how they hear things. Also I will have people talking about their feelings about being drunk and what they can remember with being drunk. I will show the effects of drink by images being out of focus and having voices over of what people would hear.

ALl people that have been affected by drink but dont want to be named

Film content review sheet

Name of creator or films artist: Steph Byrne

Duration: 2-3 minutes.

Briefly give an overview of the types visual images used in this chosen piece. (B&W, colour, locations, actors etc.)

In my film the locations with be in a park, walking down a street, I will also have a few of people talking about the subject and their views, the people will be blurred out.

Briefly give an overview of the types audio used in the video. (Is the Audio Diegetic or Non Diegetic.

The sound will be both Diegetic and non Diegetic because at one part I will have loads of different sounds over the top and then I will also have the Diegetic sound of the people talking.

The premise of my film is?

The premise of my film is to show people how drinking can effect you and what its like to be drunk.

What thoughts i hope the audience have once they have viewed my film?

I want my viewers to leave think that if you drink and get drunk then you miss so much happening and you never know what you do.

Tuesday 14 October 2008

1.6. Audience, and audience interpretation of the work

In our class everyone had their own ideas about all the films and not everyone had the same idea because everybody is different and they don’t like the same thing.

For 1001 nights most people thought it was plan and boring because it was just 5 women on the scene and no action, I also found it hard to tell what was going on because they were telling stories but in all the stories the women died but here were women telling stories about what happened so I didn’t know if it was them telling stories of someone else’s trouble with war. Someone else in class thought it might be a dream. I thought the main aim of the film was to try and tell people that war effects everyone even innocent people who aren’t in the war.

In Telling lies I think everyone in the class thought it was funny because the voices were saying one thing but the writing was saying another thing. It was like the writing was telling the audience what the people were really thinking. I thought it was hard to read because sometimes it would go so quickly. I also thought it want that people will always tell a lie to protect people.

The last film is Gisele Kerozene everyone thought that this film was really funny because of the stop motion it made it funnier. Everyone kind of agreed with this film because it had a easy storyline to follow. The way the character where done made it funny as well because the witches were funny looking. It was about three witches trying to get back something that was stolen from them.

The reason that the class all had different feelings towards the films are because every person likes different types of films, also because people bring their live into films that they view. It isn't a bad thing that everyone has different reviews because then it makes other people think about what else it could mean. No matter how someone watches a film they will relate to the film even if they like it or don't like it because there is always a reason you don't like it for some sort of reason. It doesn't matter if the artist has a different message to what the audience receives because even if it isn't the same idea it brings out loads of different ideas because everyone has a different imagination.

1.5. How these works might inspire your own work

Some of the ideas that the films have given me is to use slow motion to try and get the point across to the viewers. I am also thinking about have writing across the footage because sometimes people understand more by reading and other people understand by visual. I also want it in black and white.

Friday 10 October 2008

1.3Narrative and non-narrative structures Discuss the story line is it simple structure Begin, middle, end or is there a more complex or different str

All three films although really different all have some sort of narrative and some times the narrative is easier to telling and others aren’t.

In 1001 nights it seems like it doesn’t have a story line but if you think about it because all five women tell a story their story has a beginning middle and an end, and it starts at one end and ends at the other.

In Gisele Kerozene it has a basic structure in it with a beginning middle and an end. It starts off with three witches bowing down to a stature and then it gets taking and the middle is them chasing the witch that stole it and the end is the witch that stole it is about to kill the other witch but decides to give it back.

In Telling lies the narrative is basic with a beginning, middle and an end. It is an animated film with just words on the screen but at the beginning it starts with a guy getting a phone call. The middle is him on the phone to other people and the end is him slamming down the phone.

I think that if a story doesn’t have a narrative then the audience might find it hard to understand because they wouldn’t know what was happening with the film because everything would be everywhere and wouldn’t make sense.

The audience might not understand a non-traditional narrative because with a traditional narrative they have a beginning, middle and an end. Where a non-traditional narrative doesn't have a beginning, middle or an end because they try to confuse the audience because the story is every where and some people might not want to pay attention because there isn't a traditional narrative.

Tuesday 7 October 2008

1.2 The use of technology and techniques and styles

The technology and techniques that are used are somewhat the same even thought they are filmed with decades apart. For example all of the films are heavy post produced, but in Gisele Kerozene uses stop frame animation, so the film is a craft based film, because the director is trying to bring new ways of filming. The sound that is used is non-diegetic because it is added on after, but it is only the sound of the witches. Telling lies soundtrack could be argued that it is diegetic and non-diegetic because although we can’t see the people talking they could have recorded the conversation as it was happening. It is more of a concept base film because there isn’t any new ways to film. This is similar to 1001 nights because it is a concept style because the camera stays in one place and doesn't have any new ways to show skills. The sound is diegetic because we can see the people on the scene and they are talking about the stories. Girl chewing gym is concept based film because the camera stays in the same place for a while and only moves up and down or left to right. The only sound that can be heard is a alarm of some sort. The audience think it is a narrator over the film but but he isn't narration it he is just telling the audience what he thinks is going on.

(1) Discuss at least three of the artists you have looked at comparing general similarities and differences between them.

The three films that I chose to talk about where Gisele Kerozene by Jan Kounen, telling lies by Simon Ellis and 1001 night by Jananne Al-Ani. The differences between the three films are the pace is very different in all three, in Gisele Kerozene the pace is quite fast this is similar to Telling lies because the pace is fast in this film, but in 1001 nights the pace is very slow because there is no action in it. The types of images that are used are different in all three because in Gisele Kerozene it is all action, where as in telling lies the only imagers that are used are words on a black background so there is no action in it at all, this is sort of similar to 1001 nights because it’s a black background and only has five women on the scene.
The fact that all the films where made in different decades could effect the type of audience that the film effects because 1001 nights was filmed in 2006 the audience that might not understand it are people that haven’t been around in 2000/ end of the 1990’s because they wont know about all the different wars that went on around the world, the other people that might not understand it are people from other countries because they don’t know what goes on in the little countries around the world. The people that might find it difficult to understand telling lies are people from the 1970’s because the speed is quite fast. The people the might find it hard to understand Gisele Kerozene are people from the earlier 1960’s because it is a fast pace and they use a lot of different types of animation.