Wednesday 17 December 2008


My film idea stayed the same but the ideas of how to show it changed while I was filming to what it was meant to be. I decided not to keep a few of my ideas because it wouldn’t of fitted with the rest of my film. I decided to make a voice over of Lewis and mark talking about what they are like and feel when they are drunk, instead of having it with the clip and cutting between both the interview and the film because it didnt really fit in. That was the same with the other part of the film with the P.O.V of someone walking and then lying on a bench, it didnt have any meaning to it but seemed like a good idea at the time but once I filmed everything it just didnt fit with the film.
I thought the editing went well and did as much as I could with the film but I feel that if the film was longer there were so many possibilities I could of done to make it better.
The viewing went alright and people seemed to enjoy it and some of them understood the concept of my film while others found it harder to pick out. I only showed it to a few people because if more people watched it they might not of concentrated which meant that they wouldn’t understand it and because of where I filmed it I could only show it once.
Over all I thought all of it went really well but looking back there are a few things I would do differently like try and make the meaning my film easier to understand for everyone. If I had to re-do it I would make the P.O.V a moving one so that both the person walking past and the camera walk past each other, this would mean I would of been able to make the image blurry and out of focus so the audience could tell it was about what and how the person saw people and objects while drunk. Also a way to end the film would of been like my first idea and have the P.O.V walking shot but with a can of beer or any other type of drink in the hand and then lying on a bench with it slowly fading to black to show that the person is just going to sleep anywhere.
I do think that for my first film it was good but I know it could of been better and next time I will make sure that I have all my ideas down and then sort out what i can use for my film and what would fit.

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