Monday 15 December 2008

2.3 diary

I started filming on the 25th November and I just needed one take on both clips I filmed in the location of the memorial gardens. It wasn’t a hard piece to film and it should of been quick which it was.
The time I filmed was on the 28th November because I had to change the actors I was going to use because they hadn’t finished their film so I chose two people that had finished their films and who just had a bit of editing to do. The piece that I filmed in the back of the radio studio was only done in one take which was good because I thought it might take a few takes in case they got stuck with what to say.
I decided not to film the other piece of my film with a P.O.V and lying down on a bench because I felt I didn’t really need it in the film the bits that I got I felt good with. I also didn’t really stick with my storyboard because I was going to have clips of the interview joint in with the film but it didn’t fit in.

For the editing I took the audio out of the clips from the interview and stuck it over the my whole film so the clips didn’t mess with my film. It also took me awhile to figure out how long each clip would be, because I wanted some parts slow nd others fast. I also chose transitions that would make sense in the film so it was fade out to try and seem like the person was blinking.

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