Wednesday 17 December 2008


1. Time: 1.00pm

Date: 15th December

Location: Hazelwick School in one of the class rooms, that has a table and that can be hooked up to a laptop. It will also be a light room to signfy the light asspects of drink.

Audience: my audience will be about four people age 16-18 years old.

I have chosen this space because the audience I am trying to get at is kids aged 16-18 because these are the ages that most people drink for fun and drink too much because most people can’t control how much they drink.

2. I will have a classroom from Hazelwick.


My film idea stayed the same but the ideas of how to show it changed while I was filming to what it was meant to be. I decided not to keep a few of my ideas because it wouldn’t of fitted with the rest of my film. I decided to make a voice over of Lewis and mark talking about what they are like and feel when they are drunk, instead of having it with the clip and cutting between both the interview and the film because it didnt really fit in. That was the same with the other part of the film with the P.O.V of someone walking and then lying on a bench, it didnt have any meaning to it but seemed like a good idea at the time but once I filmed everything it just didnt fit with the film.
I thought the editing went well and did as much as I could with the film but I feel that if the film was longer there were so many possibilities I could of done to make it better.
The viewing went alright and people seemed to enjoy it and some of them understood the concept of my film while others found it harder to pick out. I only showed it to a few people because if more people watched it they might not of concentrated which meant that they wouldn’t understand it and because of where I filmed it I could only show it once.
Over all I thought all of it went really well but looking back there are a few things I would do differently like try and make the meaning my film easier to understand for everyone. If I had to re-do it I would make the P.O.V a moving one so that both the person walking past and the camera walk past each other, this would mean I would of been able to make the image blurry and out of focus so the audience could tell it was about what and how the person saw people and objects while drunk. Also a way to end the film would of been like my first idea and have the P.O.V walking shot but with a can of beer or any other type of drink in the hand and then lying on a bench with it slowly fading to black to show that the person is just going to sleep anywhere.
I do think that for my first film it was good but I know it could of been better and next time I will make sure that I have all my ideas down and then sort out what i can use for my film and what would fit.

Tuesday 16 December 2008


What did you think of the film?
It was good.
What point did you get once you watched it?
I believe the video was about alcohol and opinions on how it can affect people in either a positive fun way or in a violent anti social manner.
Did you enjoy the film?
Yes very much.
Did you find the message was clear?
It was very clear. the slow motion walking demonstated the illusion of drunkenness and the evils showed one side of alcoholic influence.
What affect did it have on you? will it make you think the next time you go out drinking?
No, as I'm not a violent drunk there is no reason for me to think twice about how I act.

What did you think of the film?
It was well made with good effects
What point did you get once you watched it?
Did you enjoy the film?
Did you find the message was clear?
At first it was unclear but it got better as the film went on.
What affect did it have on you? will it make you think the next time you go out drinking?
I won't go out alone and get drunk or be in a place where I can't control it.

What did you think of the film?
It highlighted a key issue for today's world.
What point did you get once you watched it?
That your points of view change when you are drunk.
Did you enjoy the film?
Did you find the message was clear?
No it was unclear at first
What affect did it have on you? will it make you think the next time you go out drinking?
I wont drink any more but i wont drink any less.

What did you think of the film?
I thought the film was very good and interesting to watch.
What point did you get once you watched it?
After viewing the video i clearly understood the dangers/ effects of binge drinking on teenagers.
Did you enjoy the film?
I enjoyed the film as it gave away the message clearly and the video was interesting to watch.
Did you find the message was clear?
I found the message was very clear which was good as it allowed me to veiw the video knowing what the meaning behind it was.
What affect did it have on you? will it make you think the next time you go out drinking?
The video definately makes you think next time you want to go out drinking about the dangers you are letting yourself into. The video made me stop and think about why we drink alcohol, when it does nothing good for us.

Monday 15 December 2008

2.3 diary

I started filming on the 25th November and I just needed one take on both clips I filmed in the location of the memorial gardens. It wasn’t a hard piece to film and it should of been quick which it was.
The time I filmed was on the 28th November because I had to change the actors I was going to use because they hadn’t finished their film so I chose two people that had finished their films and who just had a bit of editing to do. The piece that I filmed in the back of the radio studio was only done in one take which was good because I thought it might take a few takes in case they got stuck with what to say.
I decided not to film the other piece of my film with a P.O.V and lying down on a bench because I felt I didn’t really need it in the film the bits that I got I felt good with. I also didn’t really stick with my storyboard because I was going to have clips of the interview joint in with the film but it didn’t fit in.

For the editing I took the audio out of the clips from the interview and stuck it over the my whole film so the clips didn’t mess with my film. It also took me awhile to figure out how long each clip would be, because I wanted some parts slow nd others fast. I also chose transitions that would make sense in the film so it was fade out to try and seem like the person was blinking.