Monday 29 September 2008

1001 nights

1001 nights is dicetored Jananne Al-Ani in 1998 it was a 6 minute colour video.

This clip was done with a black background they were all women and it was like a mirror because the first and last women were wearing a blue and white type of top, the second and the Fourth women were wearing a black top and then the third women was wearing a gold top.

The sound was diegetic and it was a monologue.

I think the premise of the video is the different types of people that can be effected by a war that isn't theirs.

My thoughts on the film where that it was weird because I didn't know if they were trying to tell peoples stories or it was their stories of some sort of war.

I would say that this clip is craft video because the camera stays in the same place for the whole time, so the idea behind the clip is most important.

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