Tuesday 30 September 2008

Craft- Craft is a type of skill that is needed when making something.

Concept- this is the reason behind the film and why it is there.

Context- this is when you have all the facts and then the facts are used to help create a sense of realism.

Gisele Kerozene

Gisele Kerozene was filmed in 1989

This film was 3 minutes long, it was filmed by Jan kounen . The Film was in colour but the main colours it just were black, green, orange and red. They also had buildings to show that it was in a town centre, the film I think is about witches because they had brooms, long fingers and warts. the film also used stop motion.

The sound is non-diegetic.

This film was trying to show people the skills that can be used to make a film.

I thought that this was a funny film because the type of skills they used were different which made it funnier.

Telling lies

Telling lies is a 4 minute clip. It is a black background with different colour writing to show the different people who are talking. The pace of the text is in line with the audio.
The sound was non-diegetic and I think it would be a phone call because we hear the dialing of the numbers and the ringing.
I think the concept of the clip is to make it clear to people that no matter who you are you always tell lies even if its to protect someone or because you just don't want them to know.
I think the film was really funny because they say one thing but the subtitles tell you what they really mean.

Monday 29 September 2008


KOYAANISQATSI was directed by Godfrey Reggio in 1982. It is 87 minutes long.

The imagery that can be seen in this film reminds me of the future, with all the metal and grey colours. There is also images of a desert, cave drawings and buildings that have been blown up.

It is non- Diegetic sound with strings, a piano, a bass and a choir. The sound speeds increases as the film goes on but then like the beginning towards the end it slows down again, maybe to show that it is in sow motion.

I think the premise of the video is to show the effects of war and how rushed peoples lives can be and maybe they are trying to show that if you try to rush live you miss out on important things.

I thought this film was a bit confusing because one minuter it was in slow motion then it became really fast and hard to tell what was going on in the picture.

1001 nights

1001 nights is dicetored Jananne Al-Ani in 1998 it was a 6 minute colour video.

This clip was done with a black background they were all women and it was like a mirror because the first and last women were wearing a blue and white type of top, the second and the Fourth women were wearing a black top and then the third women was wearing a gold top.

The sound was diegetic and it was a monologue.

I think the premise of the video is the different types of people that can be effected by a war that isn't theirs.

My thoughts on the film where that it was weird because I didn't know if they were trying to tell peoples stories or it was their stories of some sort of war.

I would say that this clip is craft video because the camera stays in the same place for the whole time, so the idea behind the clip is most important.

Tuesday 23 September 2008

Second image

The image of the walls in the tunnel all messed up and needing to be re-painted aren't what you would see in postcards because it show the unattractiveness of the seaside, this would make people not want to go visit the seaside.

brighton pics

I think that even thought the photo of the rusty metal of the old burnt down Pier was a good picture of what you don't see in postcards because people wouldn't be attracted to Brighton because of the old pier so it wouldn't be shown on any postcards or leaflets. even though i think that the photo of the old pier would be something i wouldnt mind seeing in a postcard because its got history in brighton because no one knows what happened to the peir. so some people would think this photo would be a downside to the seaside.

what is Experimental video

I think the word "experimental video" means that you are watching something that is given you an experience of things that can and could happen to you or around the world. I think the types of film that are experimental videos are documentaries because they help people to understand things bout life and what goes on in the world.

I also think that it could mean that if you are new at filming it is all the different types of filming you go through until you get the film the way you want it to be, with everything done well