Tuesday 11 November 2008

1.4 The use of exhibition space to create meaning

Once I had viewed the different experimental videos at the Tate Modern I released that the exhibition space can change the meaning of the work because some people find that if they are in a bright room they feel safe and secure because they can see everything that is going on in the room but this could mean that if the film is meant to show something dark then it won’t come across dark where as if it was in a pitch black room with no windows or lights apart from the film itself then it we seem scarier because the audience can’t see what is happening around them which would scare them a bit. For example at the Tate modern there was one piece of work that Susan Hiller made she had it in a black room with five projectors all aimed at one big screen but in five different places with five different colours. The colours used were blue, purple, green, red and yellow. The film has five different clips of parts of films that involved kids with powers. After it showed the part it wanted to, it would disconnect and then it would re- appear but the clip that was on the first screen would be on the third in a different colour than before and it kept changing like that to try and get across that if the film is in a different colour it makes the audience feel different about the film. Compared to Dominique Gonzalez who’s film was in a brightly lit room with other exhibitions around it but all the exhibitions around it seemed to fit in with Dominique’s film. His film was about how is has rained for ages and it was done with clips of films taking from movies the 1970’2. If these exhibition had swapped places and Dominique’s film had been in the dark it would have had a different meaning which is the same with Susan Hiller’s film had been done in a bright room.